Thursday, October 10, 2013


After reading A World Where Youth Hold the Power and Watching the video gave me what I guess one could say hope. Many adults view our youth as trouble some. They are viewed as immature beings with really bad mood swings and hormone problems. they are individuals without voice. when one thinks of youth we are thought to automatically think negative.
 It is great to see programs that aim to change the view of youth. In Youth in Action these youth have a say. Youth are put in a more positive light. Instead of hearing people tell them they cant, they hear a you CAN. In YIA youth find their voices. They are given the opportunity to become leaders. a quote that I really like was "Teenagers run our organization and are part of every decision, from approving our budget to choosing the color of paint on the walls to hosting the 2011 Free Minds Free Peoples conference this past summer!!”
This gives the youth a sense of pride. The youth feel included in what’s going on around them. In YIA the youth have a voice, which to anyone is important. They learn to speak up for their rights. It is nice to see the wonderful impact YIA have on their youth. Marlie Chatelain who is 17 and a board co-chair said “I like that I am part of a place where there are so many different opinions. The trust, respect, and openness makes us stronger.”  This statement shows that with a great support system anything is possible. With more programs like these change can happen and over time the view of youth will begin to change.


  1. I really liked how you added the quote "Teenagers run our organization and are part of every decision, from approving our budget to choosing the color of paint on the walls to hosting the 2011 Free Minds Free Peoples conference this past summer!!”

    This really gives the reader an idea of how involved the youth are in creating positive change. Youth have valid opinions and ideas and it is important that we don't push their thoughts off to the side. They can be strong leaders, and it's time we start seeing them as such.

  2. Ha I love the whole "what society thinks we do" that is great because it is true when not all of us even do that. Most of us are actually very responsible and the world doesn't give us a chance. I agree with everything you say.
