Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blog 5


blog 7

In Lareau, Class and Childrearing has to do with Kohn’s findings on class and childrearing. Kohn studied the psychological consequences of social class especially as it impacts family life. The results of the study show that  was focused on certain families during the case study. I could relate to the reading. I grew up in a upper lower class family. Both my parents didn’t have the chance to go further in their education.
My parents pushed my siblings and I about school and how important it is to go to school. My parents always thought me that education comes first. Kohn’s study states “Directives were frequent. Unlike their middle-class counterparts, the working- class and poor children in our study rarely argued or attempted to negotiate with adults; instead, they typically complied silently. Some, though not all, working-class and poor parents also relied on threats of physical discipline to back up their directives.” I can relate to part of this quote. Growing up when my parents asked us to do something you did it.
There wasn’t any kind of negotiation. i went to school in a upper class area where it was mostly white and all my friends there did do a lot of negotiation as well as bribs and getting what you want. My partents did not however never relied on threats. This reading showed me a lot you cant not judge people based on class every family values different things.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 8

Growing up I never thought about the he struggle teachers go through when it comes to boundaries. Dr. Mc. Kamey told a story of a student she helped and had to advocate for. She stated "I could feel my face flush. Was I overstepping my boundary here?...
On the other hand, I wondered how many days Nam would have spent in the auditorium before someone had the time to figure out ‘what to do with him." When you are passionate about what you do it gets done.  It made me think about my future and working with youth. Youth do better when they feel included, for example YIA the youth there show that being involved has made a difference. I feel all youth need a relationship with a teacher one way or another. I felt Dr. Mc Kamey paper was informative and it was good to see both points of view.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog 3

    Positive Youth Development by Jutta Dotterweich was a very informative presentation. One thing thay stuck to me is that youth are truly making a difference in todays society. The presentation is mainly about support. Which is what these youth need to become who they are and find their voice. going through the power point made me think of myself growing up.
Growing up in New York as a youth, we didn't have supportive youth programs like w have now. I honestly didn't know youth programs existed until I completely moved to Rhode Island. The program we did have growing up were for children who were in Pre-K up to about the sixth grade.
Public Schools in the inner city schools lack these supportive programs. I must say I enjoyed the power point.  I loved that youth are finding their voices and that programs are coming along for youth to find their self.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog 1

Gwen Sharp's article is about child labor, and how the past effected adolescent development. Times have changed a great deal since 1900s.  In the 1900s children working was a normal thing.
School came in secondary. Today children are not expected to work, but are expected to attend school. Children in the early 1900s had responsibilities like adults today have. Children today do not have the same responsibilities. The laws that were made have restricted children from having these forms of responsibilities.
This article makes me thinks of how different things have become over the years at least here in the states. In some countries children still work at an early age, such as Guatemala. To these children working is the norm because that is all they know. School isn’t not a priority. I found the article to be interesting, and the pictures said a lot.

Friday, October 25, 2013

 Contexts mapping, from my understanding has to do with organizing the different aspects of yourself in your life, also what is expected of you as well as the roles you play in the different situations.

Mitch had Julian do that so that he could understand that one does not find their self over night. I learned that there are four stages of identity Foreclosure which is finding a sense of self. you think you know who you are but have yet to explore more. Diffusion is when the person does not have an established identity, nor is actively searching for one. Moratorium is active searching for one's occupational, religious, ethnic or other form of identity. Achieved is when the person is comfortable with whom they are and no longer needs to explore. I feel like I am between two of these identities. I am between moratorium and achieved.

My Context Map

Work:                       School:                Home:
   Hard worker             Student             Guardian
   Knowledgeable         Procastinate      Role model
                                                               Big sister

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is Youth Empowerment?



After reading A World Where Youth Hold the Power and Watching the video gave me what I guess one could say hope. Many adults view our youth as trouble some. They are viewed as immature beings with really bad mood swings and hormone problems. they are individuals without voice. when one thinks of youth we are thought to automatically think negative.
 It is great to see programs that aim to change the view of youth. In Youth in Action these youth have a say. Youth are put in a more positive light. Instead of hearing people tell them they cant, they hear a you CAN. In YIA youth find their voices. They are given the opportunity to become leaders. a quote that I really like was "Teenagers run our organization and are part of every decision, from approving our budget to choosing the color of paint on the walls to hosting the 2011 Free Minds Free Peoples conference this past summer!!”
This gives the youth a sense of pride. The youth feel included in what’s going on around them. In YIA the youth have a voice, which to anyone is important. They learn to speak up for their rights. It is nice to see the wonderful impact YIA have on their youth. Marlie Chatelain who is 17 and a board co-chair said “I like that I am part of a place where there are so many different opinions. The trust, respect, and openness makes us stronger.”  This statement shows that with a great support system anything is possible. With more programs like these change can happen and over time the view of youth will begin to change.

Friday, September 20, 2013






Thursday, September 19, 2013

Digital Natives Digital Immigrants

As Prensky explains Digital Natives are “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games, and Internet.  Digital Immigrants are instructors who speak outdated language. They have trouble teaching us in the way we learn.
We the Digital Natives are use to getting information fast. We are ready to move on once we grasp a concept. We as Digital Natives learn more through games actually seeing things online. According to Prensky Digital Immigrants normally have little to appreciation for the way Digital Natives learn now. They prefer to teach the way they use to learn, which to us is foreign.

Reading Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants by Marc Prensky , made me reflect on the way things were for me in school. Growing up we had computers and all kinds of technology. I loved the weekend because I had no limit on being on the internet or playing educational games on my vtech laptop. In school as much as I like to learn new things I hated learning it in school because the teacher would take forever getting to the next step let alone the lessons.
I like to doodle while the teacher speaks and I use to get in trouble for that, because they felt I wasn’t paying attention when in actuality I was. Over all I found the reading to be very interesting. I really didn’t notice how much technology has affected my life.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hip Hop

Tricia Rose made a comment about what Nas and him saying that hip hop is dead. heres an interview on  Nas she said " hip hop is not dead, but its gravely ill." I agree with Tricia because over the years hip hop has changed. it has changed in terms of its meaning. Not to long ago hip hop use to come from the heart, it spoke of the struggles of being a black man better yet a minority. the perfect example of this is tupac and the song i thought of is  changes by tupac his song had meaning.
Today hip hop is about making money. Its based on what sales and today what sales is sex, woman and almost any material thing you can make a song about it sells. perfect example for this is Tyga the songs I have heard from him are about hoe's in one of his songs he says " its one eight seven how im killing these hoes" in another song called by him and travis porter Ayy ladies which i actually enjoyed before i payed attention to the lyrics he says " if you a top notch bitch let me hear you holler bend it over (yeah) touch your toes whip it out (yeah) show them hoes ya bank roll slang it out hit a broke hoe with it poke it out damn shawty you can get it... and it goes on. Hip hop is is ill because its no longer about politics or the struggle of minorities. Its no longer from the heart its more about making money and being on top. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


My group Brooke, Angela, Chela, Linett, and I are going to be focusing on teens resisting the dominant ideological concepts that wish to control, manipulate, and oppress them, through poetry, art, and writing they form new ideas and represent themselves to eventually change these ideologies and bring about change in hopes that better more life fulfilling concepts can come to light.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Midterm Project

My group and I will be doing a skit. I will be the mom Angela will be my lesbian daughter and Chela will be the best friend / girlfriend. my daughter will be secretly dating Chela and i find out. my focus will be Croteau and Wesch. i hope you guys enjoy it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thomas Hine

Thomas Hine
The Rise And Fall of the American Teen 

Thomas Hine writes about how teens  are viewed in society. Society looks down on teens. They view teens as a bad thing/ or stage. From my understanding its a stage in life that these young people go through and after they are past it, they don't tend to look back at the stage as their teenage years. Adults remember it as their "not so smart days".   Hine states "...we remember ourselves as ourselves. Being a teenager isn't an identity but a predicament most people live through. I remember myself then no different then I am now. Teenagers are seen in society as outsiders. Hine states "... while this is largely a history of roles and expectations, the teenagers I'm discussing aren't some exotic species-they're real people." They are what society deem as teens why expect less from them? They are treated as if they aren't capable of doing many things.  They are seen as irresponsible, rebellious, troubled and difficult to handle. Another great point Hine brings up  is how media and society has a role in how teenagers grow up in terms of what they should look like, and how to act. media and society has a large impact on how teenagers are potrayed 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Linda Christensen
                               Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us
   Linda Christensen argues that from a young age we are influence by what we read, see on television, and the people around us. One particular point that the author brings up is Disney. in Disney one does not see a person of color play the lead role. In the article the author talks about how people can be stereotyped. White people are typically powerful ones and the people of color are the inferior ones and one can say that the overweight people are the not so smart ones. in many Disney the mean are put to be darker and ugly where as the good people are better looking. For example The Lion King, Scar was the mean brother he was darker than his brother and lived where the sun did not really shine. Mufasa was the lighter brother whom ran everything he is much lighter and handsome. Pumba whom is the over weight pig isnt so bright and must be guided through everything .... the hidden messages in the Disney movies shows that  the light one is the more attractive and powerful they are. the darker the person is the meaner and uglier they are a perfect example for this is the princess and the frog the first black princess and throughout the entire movie she is an ugly frog. Christensen points out many interesting facts that as a young child one does not think about..